Saturday, April 21, 2007

Kicked out--again!

We have officially been kicked out of another babysitter...not because of Elizabeth's behavior (although sometimes I wonder how that hasn't been the case yet!), but because our current babysitter is pregnant. Our last babysitter got pregnant and had to drop us and now this one is pregnant and is dropping us. And all this has happened THIS semester!! Crazy. Luckily, we have found another one here in Gatesville. This woman has FIVE kids of her own. We're going to meet them this afternoon when Elizabeth wakes up from her nap.

This whole process has been a bit stressful. Mostly, I worry about Elizabeth moving from place to place and having to adjust to all these people she doesn't know and us having to adjust to them when we don't know them very well either. It's like we have to put all this trust into people only on the basis of recommendations and knowing that they're Christians. This is one worry I wouldn't have if I were staying home with her, which makes me feel all the more guilty for working. I know that kids are adaptable and that it's good for her to play with other kids (I mean it's only 2 days a week!) when both of us have full time jobs. Amazing, when you think about it. But I'm ready for things to be more stable for her. Hopefully, we can use this new person for a litle longer than the last one! And hopefully she won't get pregnant!


Kellee said...

i miss that little girl! that is so cute that she prayed for me the other night--i feel so special. can't wait to see you all in a month and look forward to only living an hour and half away! love you!

Holly Curry said...

It is amazing how much time has passed since we have seen y'all! I hope we get to come visit soon!

Chesley said...

I am really sorry that you are going to have to change sitters again. I felt bad reading this post because that is what I am doing to the kids I keep. Hope the new sitters works out.
Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks. Is Elizabeth not coming? I read Shelly's blog.