Saturday, November 10, 2007

Motivating factors

I have learned what works best to motivate my daughter to do well with potty training--a potty chart! We were doing so well this summer but with travel and different schedules, it has NOT gone well this fall, to say the least. We virtually stopped for several weeks. Nothing was working. We tried M&Ms and candy treats and letting her watch a special TV show. And nothing motivated her to try. So, I decided to try again with a potty chart.

You have to understand one thing. Elizabeth loves to be involved in whatever it is we are doing. She always says, "Me help!" Anytime I am cooking, she always wants to pull up a stool and help. When I'm doing laundry, same thing. When Shane makes cookies, same thing. She is a GREAT helper! Anyway, I printed out a Dora the Explorer potty chart and we went to work. She filled up that thing so quickly that within a week we got to take a trip to Wal-Mart and get a treat. She ended up choosing a Veggie Tales CD that only cost 5 bucks. What a deal! We started a new one this week and she even went #2 on the potty. She gets two stickers for that! We're still working on the poopies and hopefully she'll be fairly trained when we move to Waco next month!

Since it looks like my child is motivated by extrinsic prizes, we've now started another reward chart that includes brushing her teeth (which she HATES!), cleaning up her toys (which she isn't too good at yet), and helping out with chores (which she does well at). I can't believe she's become this way so early! At least it seems young to me. Kids are smart--do what your parents say or want and get rewarded with a prize.

1 comment:

Holly Curry said...

Thank you for sharing!! We are still working on it too and advice is much welcomed!!